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Rebecca is a fantastic tutor. She is encouraging, engaging and enthusiastic. She has endless patience and positivity. She is adaptable and responsive to her pupils and subsequently they are able to learn very effectively. I have no hesitation recommending Rebecca as a tutor. Indeed, I believe any child who is fortunate enough to be taught by her, will flourish.
We used Paul for Computer Science and he is a rare and superb tutor. I work in education so it's not often you find a computer science teacher who tutors in person and also teaches the subject patiently and comprehensively. Without a doubt my son was far better prepared for his A Level and was more confident about taking the exam than if he hadn't had tuition.
We used Tom as a Maths tutor just before my sons recent Gcse’s. He was very thorough and patient and being an actual Maths teacher really helped as he knew his stuff. We left it quite late and Nottingham Tutors came good, and we had about 6/7 weekly lessons. I thought the lessons were good value and My Son felt more prepared and also more confident in his exam.
David is really good at English and he makes it extremely fun.
My son had Dan just help him get through his though year 6 and I couldn't of ask for a better tutor for my son so thank you.
I love my French lessons with Sabrina! She makes the lessons challenging but fun and interesting with lots of encouragement. We do a lot of conversation and vocabulary but also some grammar and reading. Sabrina tailors the content to what we need to know and we work hard on our weaker areas. I am surprised at how much I have learnt in a relatively short period of time.
David is a fantastic tutor, he has helped my son really improve throughout Year 6 to become a confident student who now enjoys school and learning again.
Mark is a fabulous tutor, my daughter has come on leaps and bounds within a short period of time, she has become more confident and positive with maths.
Used Abby. Great tutor, works very hard and is overall a very great tutor
Our tutor, Rebecca, had been recommended by another parent and she supported my son during his final 2 years at primary school. As a current primary school teacher, she had a detailed knowledge of the curriculum and SATs.
Rebecca was reliable but flexible, polite and professional at all times. She was very friendly and put my son at ease. The one to one support was really useful in highlighting his strengths and addressing any weaknesses in a way that wasn't possible in his class of 30 children. We would use Nottingham Tutors again if necessary in the future.
Mark is an amazing tutor!! We are very grateful to have found him to help my daughter through her maths GCSE. His patience and support have improved her progress and attitude to maths massively!
We had Rebecca for our daughter as she was struggling in Maths and English at school. She warmed to Rebecca straight away and seemed to be a perfect match for her. We’ve tried other tutors before, but if your child doesn’t connect with the tutor, the learning process will not take place naturally.
We value what Rebecca has achieved with our daughter so much that we have been using her service for over 3 years now! Not only has she been a boost to our daughter’s learning, but also a great help to her confidence.
I think our daughter will be very sad when the time comes to stop tuition classes!
We would wholeheartedly recommend Rebecca to anyone seeking home tuition for their child.
Sabrina is just an excellent tutor, her lessons are always very interesting and fun! I personally really appreciate the structure of the lessons - the mixture of grammar, reading, learning a new vocabulary and lots of speaking. I would highly recommend Sabrina to anyone, who wants to learn French!
Rebecca has helped my daughter in a range of subjects which has enabled her to have a stable and confident start at school. She is always punctual, reliable and provides resources to use in the sessions. My child feels secure and comfortable during her lessons and enjoys them.
Rebecca has tutored both of my children through primary school for a number of years in Maths and English. Both were struggling at school and the individual attention tutoring gave them made a huge difference in their confidence and ability. Rebecca has a fantastic approach with children, she is enthusiastic, engaging and extremely clued up on the curriculum and the best way to teach it. This was a massive help in our children getting good SATs results. It also provided the bedrock for secondary school and our children have continued to thrive.
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